portal for members only

Login here to the IAAPA Forum and Chatroom

Please note: Your previous login name and password no longer work here,
so you have to register completely new again, following the instructions below:

-----------Here text only instructions: ----------------------OR-----------------------Instructions with screenshots:------------------------------------


To register as a new member, first enter this website and click on "LOG IN" at the top on the right and then on "Register" directly below the log in window.


Use your previous USER NAME which you must also use for "NAME". This NAME will NOT be hidden, so others know who you are.


Choose a SECURE PASSWORD which you wish to use to log in and remember it (write it down?).

4. You will then get this message in your browser: "Check your email for the confirmation link, then visit the login page."

The IAAPA secretary will then review your application and send you a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address you gave for your registration.

6. Read the confirmation e-mail you receive of your new registration and click on the activation link.

Log in on the forum/chat website with your above USER NAME and PASSWORD (see "LOG IN" at the top on the right).


The FORUM is the same as before but without a voting machine. We no longer have a voting machine in the chatroom. Instead we now have open voting in the chatroom. The votes will then be counted and the result will be permanently shown in the forum.

9. The CHATROOM is also the same but is now called "MESSAGES".
10. Never click on the "LEAVE GROUP" button, only on "LOG OUT" (upper right menu line), unless you wish to no longer participate as member in the forum/chatroom, because you will then have to register completely new again! Then confirm your logout with "Do you really want to log out?"

  The advantage of the new members portal is that it is now based on WordPress and therefore also optimized for smartphones.

1) On this website please click on "LOG IN" here:

2) Then this website appears for you to click on "Register" (very small text at the bottom):

3) You then get this website for inserting your Username (and the same) Name, E-Mail address and Password:

4) You will then get this message in your browser: "Check your email for the confirmation link, then visit the login page."

5) Click on the link in your confirmation e-mail from the IAAPA secretary (presently r.talbot@berlin.de) to complete your registration.

6) You can now log in here with your Name and Password.