
International Association Against Psychiatric Assault

c/o Lawyer/Rechtsanwalt André Raeber, Hinterbergstrasse 24, 6312 Steinhausen, Schweiz/Switzerland

The association is a Human Rights organization that opposes psychiatric coercion and aims to abolish psychiatric coercive measures altogether, promoting the fundamental rights of self-determination, liberty, and human dignity.

Freshly published pages and posts

WPA -Kongress in Dresden – Juni 2007

ENGLISH MDR-Fernsehbericht über das Postel Experiment 1) Gert Postels Briefkopf in der Psychiatrie. 2) Die psychiatrische Klinik wo er als Oberarzt tätig war. 3) Wegweiser in der “Gert Postel Klinik”. 4) Gert Postel im Gericht, 1999. 5) Gert Postel wird vor dem Dresdener Rathaus vom MDR interviewed (im Hintergrund: eine lange Warteschlange am Eingang). 6) […]

PRIZE-WINNING COMPETITION – Find an appropriate slogan to criminalize all those who work in a locked psychiatric ward after 1/1/2009! – ESPAÑOL

DEUTSCH | ENGLISH | FRANCAIS | HEBREW | ITALIANO | MAGYAR | POLSKI | русский | SVENSK ESPAÑOL Here are the winners…—- of the prize-winning competition (details here) to find an appropriate slogan to criminalize all those who work in a locked psychiatric ward after 1/1/2009. Congratulations to the winners! (1st Prize: 100 Euros, 2nd […]

Psykiatriker: av regeringen skyddade kriminella

Svensk: se nedanfört DEUTSCH | ENGLISH | ESPAÑOL | FRANCAIS | HEBREW | ITALIANO | MAGYAR | POLSKI | русский Here are the winners…——- | ————- of the prize-winning competition (details here) to find an appropriate slogan to criminalize all those who work in a locked psychiatric ward after 1/1/2009. Congratulations to the winners! (1st […]


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IAAPA is not only “radical” in its aims, … … it also has a true democratic “revolutionary” form: the General Assemblies take place legally via the internet and thereby completely save travel expenses for our members. In this way members from poor countries and poor members from rich ones can participate in the decision making [...]
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