
International Association Against Psychiatric Assault

c/o Lawyer/Rechtsanwalt André Raeber, Hinterbergstrasse 24, 6312 Steinhausen, Schweiz/Switzerland

The association is a Human Rights organization that opposes psychiatric coercion and aims to abolish psychiatric coercive measures altogether, promoting the fundamental rights of self-determination, liberty, and human dignity.

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Psychiaterek: allamilag védett bünözök.

Magyar változat DEUTSCH | ENGLISH | ESPAÑOL | FRANCAIS | HEBREW | ITALIANO | POLSKI | русский | SVENSK Here are the winners…—- of the prize-winning competition (details here) to find an appropriate slogan to criminalize all those who work in a locked psychiatric ward after 1/1/2009. Congratulations to the winners! (1st Prize: 100 Euros, […]

Hoppe unterstützt Zypries-Entwurf zu Patientenverfügung

Yahoo! News Freitag 31. Dezember 2004, 09:31 Uhr Hoppe unterstützt Zypries-Entwurf zu Patientenverfügung Frankfurt/Main (AP) In der Debatte um ein Gesetz zur so genannten Patientenverfügung hat sich Ärztepräsident Jörg-Dietrich Hoppe auf die Seite von Justizministerin Brigitte Zypries gestellt. Er könne nicht erkennen, «dass die geplanten Regelungen im Betreuungsrecht das absolute Tötungsverbot in Frage stellen», sagte […]

CONCORSO A PREMI: Trova uno slogan appropriato per la criminalizzazione di tutti coloro che lavoreranno in un reparto psichiatrico chiuso a chiave dopo l’1/1/2009!

CONCORSO A PREMI: Trova uno slogan appropriato per la criminalizzazione di tutti coloro che lavoreranno in un reparto psichiatrico chiuso a chiave dopo l´1/1/2009! Dall´1/1/2009 in poi, la maggior parte dei paesi ratificherà* la convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui diritti delle persone con disabilità, questa convenzione proibisce la privazione della libertà e il maltrattamento fisico […]

Die Freiheit, ver-rückt zu sein

Psychiatry: Fake science. Real harm. German psychiatry: murdering back then, still torturing now HOME   |   IMPRINT In solidarity with German Psychiatry the WPA disregarded our disinvitation.  See here the correspondence on how the WPA is trying to rationalize this. Die Freiheit, ver-rückt zu sein(auf die Melodie von „My bonnie lies over the ocean“, […]

Ganz einfach ein Poster herstellen

Psychiatry: Fake science. Real harm. German psychiatry: murdering back then, still torturing now HOME   |   IMPRINT In solidarity with German Psychiatry the WPA disregarded our disinvitation.  See here the correspondence on how the WPA is trying to rationalize this. Ganz einfach ein Poster herstellen: 1. Diese Webadresse aufrufen:  2. Einen der in […]

The Missing Link

Psychiatry: Fake science. Real harm. German psychiatry: murdering back then, still torturing now HOME   |   IMPRINT In solidarity with German Psychiatry the WPA disregarded our disinvitation.  See here the correspondence on how the WPA is trying to rationalize this. The Missing Link Assemblage of Karl Bonhoeffers bust by Igael Tumarkin   “Castration thoughts come with angels music”,   rendering […]

ZWANG 4 – UN-Convention Fraud – A chronicle of events

Magazine of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION AGAINST PSYCHIATRIC ASSAULT No. 4 – July 2009 UN-Convention Fraud A chronicle of events   Geneva, April 17, 2001: the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, makes an invitation to a meeting in the Palais des Nations which takes place during the 57th meeting of the UN Commission […]

The Bernburg case – Controversy over a memorial placque

The Bernburg case – Controversy over a memorial placque Magazine of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION AGAINST PSYCHIATRIC ASSAULT No. 2 – September 2004 The Bernburg case The controversy Double standards The inauguration of the memorial plaque on May 2 took place with the active participation of the director of the memorial site, Mrs. Dr. Ute Hoffmann. […]

Sad but the CRPD is in Germany of no use to us

I A A P A International Association Against Psychiatric Assault Sad, but in Germany the CRPD is of no use to us Dear Friends, In Germany our practical everyday experience for the last 12 years has convinced us that the UN-convention CRPD is practically useless and disregarded. It was not ratified e.g. by the USA […]

Why PatVerfü?

Psychiatry: Fake science. Real harm. German psychiatry: murdering back then, still torturing now HOME   |   IMPRINT In solidarity with German Psychiatry the WPA disregarded our disinvitation.  See here the correspondence on how the WPA is trying to rationalize this. Finally, coercive psychiatry can be put to a stop!  In Germany a new advance […]

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